

英语名人名言大全【视频】▏The wheels on the bus 歌谣韵律-阳光书园少儿图书馆

【视频】▏The wheels on the bus 歌谣韵律-阳光书园少儿图书馆兔子等着瞧
今天我们要学习的第一个交通工具是bus(公交车)。我们来听一首很经典的儿歌The Wheels on the Bus(车轮转啊转)五方揭谛 。现在我们要坐公车了,Here we go男人雪地撒尿 !(我们出发了)。司机是driver, 他经常会跟乘客说“move on back(上车的乘客请往后走)”,接下来我们就坐着公车走遍全城“all through the town”吧妙手村医!
《The wheels on the bus》

wheel 轮子
wipers 雨刷
door 车门
driver 司机
horn 喇叭
The wheels on the bus go round and round,Round and round, round and round.The wheels on the bus go round and round,All through the town.The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish李爱加,Swish swish swish爸爸叫红旗 , swish swish swish.The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish,All through the town.The door on the bus goes open and shut杰克归来 ,Open and shut, open and shut.The door on the bus goes open and shut,All through the town.The driver on the bus goes, "Move on back!""Move on back, move on back!缪海梅 "The driver on the bus goes, "Move on back!"All through the town.The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep,Beep beep beep耍狠金丙 , beep beep beep,英语名人名言大全 The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep,All through the town.The money on the bus goes clink clink clink,Clink clink clink, clink clink clink.The money on the bus goes clink clink clink,All through the town.The baby on the bus goes, "Wah wah wah!""Wah wah wah, wah wah wah!"The baby on the bus goes, "Wah wah wah基尔运河 !"All through the town.The mommy on the bus goes "I love you山黄鳝 !""I love you, I love you!"The mommy on the bus goes "I love you!"All through the town.The wheels on the bus go round and round,Round and round方剂歌诀 , round and round.The wheels on the bus go round and round,All through the town.
歌谣韵律 ▏Ten Little Numbers
歌谣韵律 ▏ One Little Finger
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歌谣韵律 ▏ One Little Finger
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